How can we help you?


Zadaa is the world’s first marketplace to make selling and buying secondhand as simple as in an online store. We take good care of the payments, shipping, item authenticity and overall security of the service to provide an enjoyable and hassle free user experience. Zadaa only works through our mobile application.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I search for specific items, brands, colors or materials?

To search for specific items on Zadaa go to the search feed and tap the filter arrow at the top of...

Can I temporarily hide my profile?

On Zadaa you have the ability to put your profile to sleep if you are going to be away for a while....

Where can I find the Privacy Policy and Terms of the service?

You can find all the legal matters regarding our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service through your...

How can I turn on/off app notifications from Zadaa?

To enable or disable Zadaa notifications, go to your device settings, choose the Zadaa application...

I have problems I can not find through this FAQ. What should I do?

If you are having problems on Zadaa please contact our customer support team and explain the issue,...