The price is right

New sellers often ask: How do I find the right price for my item? Our super sellers answer!

“Explore Zadaa to find out what other sellers ask for the same items. This works with more expensive brands!” Jemina S. (202 sold items)

If you don’t have the foggiest idea of what you could ask for your Michael Kors bag or that old pair of sneakers, try to be a copycat. Use our search field to find another item that is as close to your item as possible. If your item is more worn, pick a lower price. If your item is brand new or it comes with a box, dustbag or some other extra, increase the price a little.

Remember, that you can always change the price afterwards. Actually that’s what you are supposed to do in Zadaa! Every time you lower the price of your item, the item is highlighted in the feed again. That’s an easy trick to increase the visibility of your item.

“Consider price suggestions. If your item gets several of those, you may have put too high of a price for it.” Sanna K. (178 sold items)

In Zadaa, buyers can suggest a price to the seller. This does NOT bind them to buy the item, but usually the item is sold when the price suggestion is matched. A bunch of suggestions in one item usually hints that the price is too high if your item is sold in minutes, that’s a clear sign that you have picked a good price.

“Use the trick that every webstore uses. Instead of asking for 20€/ ask 19€ It seems so much cheaper.” Iina M. (177 sold items)

Numbers matter. We have no idea why 199€ seems so much cheaper than 200€, but the trick really works! Price your items intelligently and make them look a lot more affordable with this simple trick.

“Buying multiple products from the same seller for one delivery cost is a great feature.” Nina V. (230 sold items)

This is just an extra tip that you can use in your item description. Remind your buyers that they can buy an unlimited amount of your your items in the same package and they only have to pay one postage fee. Many of our sellers have loyal customers, who always come back to buy more. Buying multiple items in one package saves their money and the environment.


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